Each year we support over 300 people to gain their learner licence through this awesome course.
3 days are spent learning the road code in a relaxed and fun environment, learning at your own pace. On the fourth day we take you to VTNZ to sit the test.
Course fee is $50 paid to WCC on the Thursday before the course starts. Payment confirms booking. WCC Bank account 031355 0693330 00, please include your name and WW as reference.
$93.90 is the VTNZ Test Licence Fee (this is paid at VTNZ when you sit the test)
Hours are 9am - 3pm, lunch is one hour.
We provide tea, coffee and milo, just bring morning tea and lunch or pop down to the shopping centre.
To book or for more info contact the centre 8474873 ex 0, admin@wccham.org.nz
IMPORTANT: Payment and registration MUST be made the THURSDAY before each course. Places are limited and we may not able to take late enrolments.